Saturday, August 24, 2013

You Really Can Lose Weight. You Can be "THAT Girl". The Only Thing That's Stopping You Is Yourself!

Everyone loves to look healthy, fit, and beautiful. They are a part of our life! 

1. Do not diet (starve). Dieting may help you decrease your body weight and make you look slim for 1 week (sometimes 3-4 days) and then you regain what you have lost in double.

2. Start your day having aloe-vera pulp or coconut water or normal water (you can also add a little honey or lemon into water).

3. Instead of drinking coffee all the time, have 2 cups of green tea every day. You can drink coffee but not frequently!

4. If you are exercising then it is a must that you should eat properly!

5. Having honey is good. It flushes out fat from your body.

6. Add healthy fats to your food like extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed, walnuts, almonds. Avocado etc.

7. When you try to be fit, there are always negative people around you! They just don’t want to see you fit! They give you wrong advices or discourage you!

8. Just believe nothing is impossible! You can do anything if you try! So just give a try without thinking about what others say!

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